All Barcode Products
Here we have all the barcode products and services we offer. Please select the quantity you require of whichever product, add to cart and proceed to check-out.
Barcode Registration
With Barcode registration we will register your barcode and product information on the International Barcodes Database. Please enter your barcode numbers into the “additional information” section when you get to the checkout page.
When we receive an order for this, we will email you a request for proof that you are the owner of your barcode numbers. We will then give you instructions on how to register your barcode and product on this database.
Note – this is included in our barcode packages, hence, it should only be purchased if you have bought barcodes through another company or a barcode outside of a barcode package through us.
Price per Barcode 1 + ৳ 1400 each 5 + ৳ 1260 each 10 + ৳ 1120 each 20 + ৳ 980 each 30 + ৳ 840 each 50 + ৳ 697 each Note – All prices in BDT
Use this for paying non-standard amounts. Select the total to be paid as the quantity add to cart and proceed to check-out
Note – All prices in BDT
If you have any questions about our products, or are planning on purchasing a large quantity, please contact us.